Meon Valley Federation

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Meon Valley Federation

  1. Meonstoke CE Infant School
  2. Parents
  3. Curriculum
  4. Computing

Computing at the meon valley federation


Computing Subject Vision 

At Meon Valley Federation, we provide fundamental skills and knowledge in the world of technology. We hope by the end of Key Stage 1, all pupils can develop confidence when using a range of technology and share their understanding with others.  

As IT experts, our pupils will explore and analyse a range of technology which will build curiosity and communication skills. They will have the opportunity to experiment with different tools, used in the past and present, to develop familiarity with equipment and vocabulary used in the digital world. Our pupils will be encouraged to develop their problem-solving skills and will become resilient and confident programmers, developing an understanding of safety and citizenship online. 


How do we plan Computing? 

In EYFS, we encourage a child-led approach to using technology. For our children, we provide a range of resources to support their curiosity and awareness of changes in technology over time. This includes, old mobile phones, telephones, laptops, walkie talkies, weighing scales, household items, iPads and Bee Bots.  

In Key Stage 1, we organise children’s learning into 3 key areas – Digital Literacy, Information Technology and Computer Science. For our children, we provide opportunities to explore, question and assess equipment in a safe manner. We plan and encourage the use of IT in all subjects to deepen children’s understanding and ability.  

At Meon Valley Federation, we use KAPOW Primary to plan and assess Computing from EYFS to Key Stage 1.  

Please see here the long-term plan for each year group.