Meon Valley Federation

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Meon Valley Federation

  1. Meonstoke CE Infant School
  2. Parents
  3. Uniform


 Meonstoke CE Infant School Uniform

  • Royal blue sweatshirts/cardigans (with or without logo)

  • White polo shirt (with or without logo)

  • Dark grey trousers/skirts/pinafores/shorts or blue/white checked dresses in summer

  • School fleeces/coats (optional)

  • School sun hats are useful too


You will also need

  • 1 school PE bag - a traditional PE bag works best as it hangs down well below the peg and leaves room for coats etc.

  • 1 school book bag

  • Warm coat

  • Named plastic lunch box if they prefer home packed lunches (to be washed out each day)

  • Named plastic water bottle (to be washed out each day) Water only.


PE kit for Indoor Gym /Dance, and Outdoor Activities/Games

  • Blue PE T-shirt (with or without logo)

  • Navy blue or black shorts/jogging bottoms

  • Pair of Velcro trainers


Two of our stated values at Meonstoke are that children have the right to enjoy their childhood fully and to use the very lovely outdoor environment that we have. These items are therefore essential and must be in school everyday and left here until they are outgrown:


  • Wellingtons boots (any kind)

  • Waterproof coat and trousers

We use our outdoor kit for PE and as a spare set of clothing for when children have fallen in puddles or sat on wet grass. We do our best to make sure that the children have an enjoyable outdoor play every day unless the weather is dreadful.


Please do supplement this list with hats, gloves, scarves etc as you feel necessary. A spare pair of pants and socks is also useful!



Meonstoke uniform can be purchased from 

Please see current price list.