Our Curriculum Vision
Within the MVF, we provide an engaging and inclusive curriculum based upon the needs and interests of our children which builds upon previous knowledge and experiences. Our children are given opportunities to take risks within a safe environment, sparking their curiosity through practical child-led learning opportunities which challenge their ideas, encouraging them to be confident, independent and successful individuals whilst fostering a lifelong love of learning.
How do we plan our Curriculum?
As a school we use the EYFS framework to support planning in Year R and the National Curriculum for Key Stage One. We come together as a whole staff to plan the whole school curriculum map. In these meetings we carefully consider the design of the curriculum, ensuring that there are are opportunities for recursive learning in each subject. We work alongside the junior school that the majority of our children attend and tie our learning in with what they will learn at greater depth in Key Stage 2.
Our curriculum drivers of Diversity, Citizenship, Empathy and Resilience help to focus our medium and short term planning. They encourage us to expose our pupils to a range of lifestyles, cultures and religions beyond their usual experience, recognise the positive impact they can have on the world around them, be aware of the feelings of others and the importance of kindness while always striving to do their best.
The delivery and design of our curriculum is planned to ensure a seamless transition between year groups and readiness for their next stage of education. It is our intention that opportunities are endless for each pupil particularly ensuring any barriers to success are overcome for any disadvantaged or vulnerable pupils.
It is our belief that children will be most successful when school and home work together in partnership. Therefore, we regularly engage with parents about their child’s learning, providing information on content and pedagogy; enabling parents to support their children’s learning using a consistent approach with school.
As a staff team we are relentless in ensuring we offer the highest quality of education for our pupils. To this end, we continuously reflect upon and develop the pedagogy underpinning our curriculum and the impact of our curriculum on our children.
Please click the links below to find out more about specific subjects or EYFS.