Meon Valley Federation

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Meon Valley Federation

  1. Newtown Soberton Infant School
  2. Parents
  3. Uniform


School uniform can be bought online at

The uniform is delivered directly to school up to two weeks after the deadline date advertised on the parent notice board in the playground.

Please could parents ensure that all uniform is clearly named.


Red school sweatshirt or cardigan (with or without logo)

Grey skirt, trousers, shorts or dress (red gingham dress in summer months)

Red polo shirt with logo or plain white polo shirt

Grey, white or red tights

Grey, white or black socks.

Sensible black flat shoes that children can manage independently (no trainers please).

School logo fleece and school logo waterproof coat (optional) 

PE Kit

Black shorts

Red t-shirt with logo

Plimsolls or trainers for outdoor sports.

Track suit (winter)

The children generally work in bare feet for indoor P.E.

PE clothes should be kept in a drawstring bag and are left in school during term time.