Mathematics at the Meon Valley Federation
Maths Subject Vision
At Meon Valley Federation, we are passionate about ensuring all children become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics. We believe this fluency then enables them to reason mathematically and solve problems by applying their knowledge with increasing automaticity. To ensure this fluency is developed in a language-rich environment the children participate in the NCETM Mastering Number programme 4 times a week. Through the programme, children gain a deeper knowledge of the composition of number which ensures that by the end of Key Stage 1 they have a strong recall of number facts and can apply this to their arithmetic skills.
Alongside the fluency opportunities, we ensure our children engage with problem solving and reasoning activities throughout their learning journey further developing their collaboration and resilience. We also believe that oracy should be taught throughout mathematics, using sentence stems across a learning journey to provide a scaffold which enables children to communicate mathematical thinking with increasing precision and clarity. This will then strengthen their explanations as they are reasoning and problem solving.
We also believe it is important to link Mathematics to other curriculum areas to enable children to see Mathematics as a life long skill.
How do we plan Maths?
We use the Hampshire Assessment Model to plan and assess Maths in Key Stage 1. Please find links below to the Hampshire Assessment Model and our Key Stage 1 Curriculum.
Hampshire Assessment Model
In addition to this we use resources from other schemes to support our children's learning.
NCETM Mastering Number
Our whole school participates in the NCETM Mastering Number programme. It aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention will be given to key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1 to support success in the future.
In Reception Mastering Number is the programme we follow for our daily Maths lesson. We undertake additional units on shape, space and measure throughout our continuous provision and have other planned opportunities for this across the year.
Please follow the links to see the overviews for our learning across the school in Mastering Number.
Mastering Number Reception Weekly Overview
Mastering Number Key Stage 1 Weekly Overview
What do the children say about Maths at our school?